Saturday, March 24, 2007

Friendly Fired

This article considers the idea of peer support for people experiencing compulsory or voluntary redundancy. It includes a case study of a successful redundancy support group.

A redundancy support group is for colleagues who have been made redundant from an organisation at roughly the same time, although there is some fluidity in that some people may join and others leave over the lifespan of the group.

Many of the difficulties people face having been made redundant are practical and emotional. Peer support helps individuals to overcome both. The practical, in terms of supporting each other through the change with advice or ideas, the emotional by helping people through the loneliness, loss of confidence or motivation and, in some cases, anger. Emotional departure does not always happen at the same time as physical departure and the time lag can be difficult to cope with, causing a sense of isolation and possibly strong feelings of need for affiliation as well as rejection. Being able to maintain the connection with the company through other leavers can ease the transition.

Peer pressure helps individuals to move forward - it is quite common for people to lose their desire to get things done when there is nobody around to encourage them, or who rely on the outcome. At work we are often motivated by our desire not to let down colleagues or to appear unreliable. Peer support provides for this function.

The group can be made up of people in a range of ways. It may be open to any employees of an organisation that have been made redundant or are facing redundancy, people from a particular functional area within the company, or based on level of seniority. While some of the advantages of mutual understanding are lost if a group comprises people from different organisations, this situation still has the potential to foster a valuable experience for the members.

The pros and cons of each model are:

All Employees

Advantages * Few people leaving * Small, tight knit organisation

Disadvantages * People with different needs and issues may not be able to help each other well

Cut Back Credit Repair Solution

If you want to get out of debt, you need to cut back and start saving money. If you think you are going to get out of debt going on spending binges then you had better think again. Too many debtors believe once they are in debt it does not matter anyway so why not get what you want out of life.

The fact is you are taking advantage of your self in the process of taking advantage of others. If you do not have the money and scraping for every penny you can get your hands on, this is one thing, but if you have extra cash and your bills are due, what are you doing?

If you do not have the money to pay your bills then you are probably a low-income census. This means that you are eligible for commodities, income, items, and so much more.

You might want to start with your local Social Services and apply for Food Stamps, commodities, and income, including medial coverage until you get back on your feet again.

Do not go in the door believing this is your way through life, since Welfare is only a temporarily resource available to the low-income families. If you found yourself in a predicament and can't see a way out you might want to seek advice.

Find someone that you can trust to guide you through the process of credit repair, otherwise you might want to ask someone with a Debt Counselor qualified to assist you. Any Religious Organization or at least most Organizations that specialize in debt management or credit repair are the best sources to consult with.

If you can find a way to cut back on your situation all the better, since most businesses, companies, individuals, and so on will tell you "oh we know a way," do not go for that, go for you!

You got in the debt; it will take you to get out. When it comes to relying on others to help you out, you might as well hang up the phone because no one is at home. Life is too short to go through the remaining revolution without a hint of confidence. When you feel that confidence building inside your next step should be obvious.

Credit Repair

When you think no one cares, pick up the phone and dial yourself. You do care, and the fact is you care more than the creditors or collection agencies that are bugging you every day to pay or try to pay your debts. You are the source to getting out of your situation. Credit is an obstacle and if you want to run you are about to get yourself into a situation that you do not really need.

However, if you want to take the time and learn, earn, and ACCEPT, then you are on the road to recovery. If you are in debt over your head, do not run, rather stand up and fight for whom you are.

Now that we are on the road to credit repair I want to let, you know that the Internet and many other resources are confusion. Therefore, if you are in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy obligated each month to pay more than you make...YOU do have the option of FILING Bankruptcy 13. DO not let anyone misled you!

The fact is if you are paying more than you can afford to bankruptcy seven courts, you can get a bankruptcy 13 in motion. Chapter 7 means you have to repay your creditors while Chapter 13 means all your debts are wiped out. Notice...

You will have a Chapter 13 on your credit report, but it does not mean that you cannot get credit. In October, the laws are changing so if you are in a position where you see no other resolve, now is the time to get out.

The economy, society and government make it difficult for all of us, so why not find a resolve when you can. If you do not see bankruptcy in focus find a way to cut back on your bills, groceries, home necessities, toiletry, insurance, and personal needs, and so on.

How to Save Money When Purchasing a Hearing Aid

Purchasing a hearing aid can be a difficult and unbudgeted expense. There are a number of things to consider to reduce the cost when purchasing a hearing aid. After all, most people don't really want to buy hearing aids, but they need to buy them because they cannot hear adequately without them. This page will provide you with the information and knowledge you need in order to save you money on a hearing aid.

The first thing to consider when buying a hearing aid is the average price of these products. It is hard to estimate the fees involved without knowing the severity of your hearing loss or certain features you may require. A reasonable price for a brand-name, digital hearing aid is anywhere from $1,700 to $2,800. If you think this is too much, there are ways to reduce this cost and ensure that you are paying the lowest price possible for your hearing aid.

A potential way to save money on your hearing aid is to check whether or not your insurance covers any part of the cost of these products. If your insurance policy covers even a small amount of the cost of your hearing aid, you are going to want to take full advantage of this. A number of insurance companies state they "cover hearing aids." Don't be fooled, this can sometimes mean it covers a certain amount (usually around $500) and it is your responsibility to pay the rest. Check your insurance policy before deciding on a hearing aid. Nonetheless, every little bit that you can save will make a difference.

Another thing to consider, when purchasing your hearing aid, is to check for support from local organizations. Check and see if you qualify for Veteran's Administration Benefits. If you performed military services and you can prove that your hearing loss is directly connected to these services, you may qualify for VA. If you are unemployed because your hearing loss is preventing you from getting a job, check with your State's Vocational Rehabilitation Department. This company may provide you the hearing aid you need in order to find employment. Civic organizations such as Lions International may also provide you with support to purchase a hearing aid. Check with any of these organizations (even if you're not sure if you qualify) because there's a good chance they may reduce the cost of your hearing aid. One of the most important factors in choosing a hearing aid is the warranty. The warranty will ensure that your hearing aid remains in good condition; otherwise, the manufacturer will repair or replace it for free. Purchasing a hearing aid without a warranty is like purchasing a car without insurance. Without a warranty, if your hearing aid breaks it is your responsibility to replace it and pay for a whole new hearing aid. Most hearing aids are covered for at least one year and up-to a maximum of two years. Many manufacturers offer extended warranties at a certain cost. It is important to read through and fully understand what the warranty or extended warranty offers and exactly what parts of the hearing aid are covered under the warranty.

How to Generate Leads on the Internet

In the last decade, the Internet has become a major commercial force. Not only do online sellers like have huge sale numbers, but nearly all successful businesses must utilize the Internet in order to stay competitive in the modern market. There are many ways that the Internet is used to generate leads. The most obvious way that a company uses the Internet to generate leads is by creating a website. Other Internet lead generation methods include taking advantage of search engines and doing co-registration.

The best way for a business to use the Internet for lead generation is to create and maintain a good website. This is true for several reasons. First, an attractive website will lure visitors in to find out more about the company. If the website is well designed and easy to navigate, visitors will have no trouble finding what they are looking for. It is important to have substantive information on the site as well. It is important to have answers to every question a casual visitor will have about the company and its products. It may also be advisable to have an online store portion of the website as well. This will help capitalize on the lead generation of the website by allowing visitors to purchase products directly from the Internet.

Another Internet lead generation technique is to correctly take advantage of search engines. The first few companies that appear when certain keywords are entered have a huge advantage over businesses appearing lower in the search results. In order to appear early in the search results, businesses must be sure to have web content that repeats important keywords often. For example, a skateboard shop should have words like "skateboard" and "wheels" and other related words appear several times on the website. It is also a good idea to include the names of particular brands as well.

Co-registration is a fairly new concept. This is when someone signs up for a particular service and is offered the chance to sign up for others at the same time. One example is registering to view a newspaper's website. At the end of the registration, the registrant could be asked to check a box if the want the newspaper delivered to their home. This capitalizes on people who are already aware of the product.

Modern businesses need to harness the Internet's power if they expect to be successful. Internet lead generation is a great way to improve business and find new customers.

Supplemental Health Insurance

Work-related stress is on the rise and according to Statistics Canada, the repercussions are numerous. Increasingly, individuals are finding that their job demands more of them- more hours, more flexibility, and more qualifications. The end result of such demands is more stress, and people are having a hard time coping with it.

Many individuals respond to workplace stress by working more. Attaining a sense of security in your job or receiving the praise that you deserve often requires that you exert more energy in order to differentiate yourself from the rest. Consequently, longer hours at work leaves less time for family and social responsibilities, thus adding to the list of stressful factors. For some, it may begin to feel like a vicious cycle that they are powerless to stop.

Enduring the difficulties of workplace stress can be more destructive than we may think. According to Statistics Canada, people suffering from high stress tend to develop chronic conditions such as arthritis and back problems. People�s minds and bodies do have a breaking point. As a result, thousands of Canadian workers are seeking help from specialized doctors and other non-conventional medical practitioners whose fees can become a financial burden.

Provincial health plans vary according to one�s province of residence, and not all plans are equal when it comes to coverage. Spending time talking to a trained psychologist can be beneficial, but can cost $120 and up for one 45-minute session. Unfortunately, regardless of the emotional benefit, a psychologist�s services are not covered by the Canadian government health plan. Many Canadians are avoiding these costs and easing their level of stress by purchasing supplemental health insurance to cover these extra services. Psychiatrists, physiotherapists, registered massage therapists, Osteopath, Naturopath, Chiropractors, podiatrist and other types of therapists all have coverage in many supplemental health insurance plans.

Plans vary and can be customized to fit individual needs. For example, the extended health care benefits of Flexcare would include coverage for the fees of a psychologist or an approved social worker. The benefits would cover an $80 maximum for your first visit and a $65 maximum for subsequent visits, with a limit of 10 visits per anniversary year.

An unhealthy work environment, competition and extraordinary long hours at work are worrisome factors that rarely go away on their own. In order to alleviate workplace stress, some people will consult a naturopath or visit a massage therapist whose costly charges can be covered by supplemental health insurance. The purchase of supplemental health insurance provides individuals with a variety of options, a sense of ease and a decrease in overall stress.

Consumers, start your engines. There is still time to get a

With interest rates still at historical lows, buying a new car is an attractive option. Even though the Feds have raised the interest rates several times over the past eighteen months, they are still lower than they were in the 90s and are certainly at a favorable rate for great financing. Someone with good to excellent credit who is looking to purchase a new vehicle should do so now, before the rates go higher.

The sale of cars in the U.S. remains very strong, despite an overall decline in many sectors of the national economy. Even the red hot real estate market has started to trend downward, but the sale of automobiles continues to speed on. With the threat of more rate hikes, the cost of the recent hurricane disasters, rising unemployment and inflation, the continuing high car sales are an important gauge of consumer confidence. However, recent indicators show that that confidence is falling, making the last quarter of 2005 the time to purchase a new vehicle, before the beginning of a new year and a very uncertain future.

Along with the low interest rates is a new buyer incentive program, which has been seen all over the television this Summer. Certain car manufacturers have been offering their "employee discounts" to the general consumer. In other words, the discounted price paid by an employee of the car company has been passed on to the general public. This has been very successful, resulting in an upswing in car sales so substantial that the offers have been extended. These are American companies offering this type of saving. Foreign cars, Japanese in particular, traditionally sell well without incentive programs.

The end of the year is typically a good time to buy a new car anyway. From September on, dealerships are trying to clear off their lots to get ready for a new shipment. This, along with the current low rates and incentives, makes this time a great one for buying. Business for car dealerships tends to slow down around the holidays, making for extra consumer leverage in getting the perfect deal.

Travel Insurance - Do I Really Need To Buy Cover For A Holiday

Last week my wife and I booked a seven day holiday in Tobermory on the wonderful Isle of Mull. All that grand scenery with brightly painted houses clustered around the harbour. Hands up who knows Tobermory as Balamory!

You could have knocked me down with a feather when the travel agent assumed that I wanted travel insurance for an additional �27.50. Not on your Nellie the Lock Ness monster, I thought. I can spot a rip off when I see one! Who needs insurance for a trip to another destination in Britain? The NHS is free and in an emergency, my daughter could drive up and take us home.

Later in the comfortable setting of my lounge I got to thinking .......

Holiday disasters don't only happen abroad. So I made a list of the risks:

One of us could be taken ill before we depart and we'd be forced to cancel. As the ferries and the hotel were non-cancellable, we'd lose everything we'd paid.

My parents are getting on. God forbid, but I'd have to cancel the holiday if something happened to them just before we're due to go.

My wife or I might be called up for jury service.

There may be a major delay at the ferry. Besides the inconvenience, we have to arrange an overnight stay in Oban.

Someone might steal our luggage

I've just bought an all singing and dancing camera especially for the trip. I might lose it.

If either of us were hospitalised we wouldn't want to be stuck on Mull. We'd want to be transferred to our local hospital in Cheshire.

Then it struck me that my Home & Contents insurance would probably cover me for loss of luggage or my camera if I was travelling in the UK. I dug out the policy. Lucky I checked. I was only insured for "personal possessions" if the items were listed and as I'd only bought my camera last week I hadn't got round to getting it documented on my policy as a valuable item.

Another point struck me. If I made a holiday related claim on my Home & Contents policy I'd lose my no claims discount. That didn't appeal one little bit. I've a ten years claim free record on my H&C policy and it still cost me �305 a year. I jotted down a note to self - when that policy comes up for renewal, check out the Internet to see if I could get it any cheaper.

By now �27.50 for a travel policy was beginning to look worthwhile.

But you'll realise I'm a bit of an old skin flint - at least my wife says so! I know, get online and check out whether the travel agents' policy at �27.50 was competitive.

Not all the sites I visited could offer me single holiday insurance within the UK but within ten minutes I'd found what I wanted - a travel policy and a saving of over �10!

Time to read the small print to make sure I truly had the cover I needed. Great, all the risks I had jotted down were covered. They'd even pay me �30 if my ferry was delayed for up to 12 hours and then give me the option to cancel my trip and get a refund.

Now check out the exclusions - what wouldn't they pay for? I wasn't covered if my holiday was for less than two nights or if my holiday destination was less than 25 miles from home. I also had to pay the first �30 of any claim. All seemed fair to me.

The decision was made. Key in my credit card details and CLICK I was insured. Peace of mind restored!

About the author: Michael writes for Brokers Online who offer most UK financial services including t ravel insurance Travel Insurance Topics


According to a new survey carried out by Alliance & where ID_NUM=9270; Leicester, one in five small business owners view tax as their greatest concern. The Chancellor has announced in his last budget that companies with profits below œ10,000 will not have to pay any corporation tax with effect from 1 April 2002. The question to be asked is: does that announcement make incorporation a more attractive option compared to being a sole trader?

The answer is that from a tax point of view, it is advantageous to trade through a limited company as long as the income is drawn from the company by the owners as dividends from their shares and the amount of dividends drawn is restricted below the 40% band rate (i.e. œ31,063 for tax year 2002/03). That way, the owners have no further personal tax ("income tax") to pay. Moreover, dividends are not subject to national insurance contributions. This is excellent news of course. But, if dividend income falls within the higher rate bracket of income tax (i.e. above œ34,515), they will be taxed at 22.5% on the excess, which of course will increase the tax burden. The company profits are subject to corporation tax rates. Those are lower than income tax rates.

The most catastrophic scenario is when the director takes his reward from the company as salary. Then his/her salary is taxed at income tax rates (like a sole trader's income). That is because, unlike sole traders, the tax system treats companies as separate from their owners because a company is a separate legal entity. The problem is that the income taxes are higher than corporation tax rates. On top of that, they will be subject to employee and employer national insurance contributions, which of course increase the tax burden and render his position worse than even an unincorporated business ("sole trader"), because NIC Class 1 on payroll are higher than NIC Class 2 paid by self employed.

In contrast, a self employed person ("sole trader") is taxed at income tax rates on the profits from his business, which are added to his other sources of income. As it has already been mentioned, income tax rates are overall higher than corporation tax rates. On top of income tax, national insurance contributions class 4 are payable on the business profits within a specified band (7% on profits between œ4,615and œ30,420). National insurance contributions Class 2 are also paid by self-employed people, although those are lower than those payable by company directors on their salaries.

To illustrate the above, let's take a simple example. We have a limited company and a sole trader. They both make œ60,000 profits each in the tax year 2002/03. We assume that the company director takes a salary equal to the amount of his personal allowances (untaxed income) of œ4,615 and the balance as dividends. The company will pay corporation tax at 19% equal to œ10,523 and nothing else. The sole trader will pay income tax œ16,542, National insurance Class 2 œ104 and National insurance Class 4 œ1,806. Total œ18,452. The bottom line is that the person that has incorporated his business into a limited company will make a tax saving of œ7,929 compared to a sole trader! Isn't that fantastic?

Somebody might be wondering: why is this entire happening? The official explanation is that, this government, to help the economy grow, encourages people to leave as much profits within their businesses to be reinvested, instead of being taken out and spent.

The "unofficial line" is that, as a matter of fact, for years the Inland Revenue has tried to reclassify the self-employed. The 1% in NIC hike on staff salaries above the NIC threshold from next April adds to both the employees' and employers' tax burden and may more than offset the saving from the corporation tax zero rate on the first œ10,000 of profits.

Aren't there any other matters to consider in deciding whether to incorporate or not?

Higher administration costs to comply with company law, payroll and bookkeeping is one factor. Another issue is pension planning. Extracting profits out of the company as dividends rather than salary means that there will be no "net relevant earnings" and therefore pension contributions can't be made. But the advent of stakeholder pension plans has meant that contributions up to œ3,600 per year can be made without the need for any earnings. If a person does not wish to transfer funds in existing plans into stakeholder because of high charges, there is a way out: the best net relevant earnings (i.e. salary) in five consecutive years can be used for making contributions for the next five years, even if there were no salaries in the remainder four years. It is comforting to know that entitlement to basic state pension is not affected by taking a salary from the company at the level of a person's personal allowances i.e. œ4,615.

Furthermore, an individual may decide not to bother with pension plans and instead invest in ISA. Often, these can be more efficient than pensions but that's beside the scope of this article. If that option is taken, no salary is necessary.

Another factor is business motoring. It might be tax advantageous for an unincorporated business that owns many cars not to incorporate because if these cars have some private use there will be benefits in kind taxed on the users. These are generally higher than the straight apportionment between private and business for all car running costs in the case of sole traders.

The conclusion is that there can be considerable tax savings waiting the sole trader who decides to go down the road to incorporation. But, one needs to proceed with caution and careful planning. And don't forget the biggest advantage of incorporation, which is Protection from Personal Liability. Incorporating is one of the best ways to protect a business owner from personal liability. Shareholders of a company are generally not liable for the obligations of the company. Creditors of a company may seek payment from its assets, but not the assets of the shareholders. This means that business owners may engage in business without risking their homes or other personal property.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Article. I hope you've found it useful. If you have, please drop me an email and let me know what you think.

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Alternatively, you can visit our website at and read a series of other full length articles that present the complete picture on a variety of interesting topics.

If you would like to know how to save tax and make sure that more of your hard earned cash stays with you to expand your business and increase your profits, we have a Free Special Report addressed to small businesses either starting up or already in business. This Exclusive Free Special Report is available automatically when you subscribe to our regular series of Free Newsletters on finance advice and tax planning by visiting our subscription area on our website It is complied from real life situations dealing with small business tax affairs for over 10 years and it is loaded with down-to-earth advice and practical, understandable examples.

Survival On The Road! A Resource For The 'On The Road' Sales

It makes no difference if you are a Saleswomen, a Salesman, a rookie or a seasoned pro, we all face challenges while on the road. You may set up your own flights, cars and lodging, you may have a travel department that does it all for you, or if you are like the vast majority of "rocket roadsters" you drive your own car.

The successful sales road trip begins long before the first appointment. Imagine if you have driven or flown all day, made all of your sales calls, and get to your hotel only to find you don't have a reservation, they don't have an ironing board in the room, they don't have a data port on the phone, they don't have high speed Internet...we could go on and on, but you get the idea, at this point you feel that the entire world is picking on you.

Do you fly to your appointments, what if you did not have a reservation, or you got to the airport to late?

What if you had no rental car reservation?

Is the car you reserved available?

Do you use a computer on the road?

What if it quite working?

On your return trip, you leave items on the plane, or in your hotel room, or in the rental car. How would you get them back?

If you had an accident away from home, who would you need to get hold of for an insurance claim? Do you have what you need with you to check into a medical facility, or get emergency care?

Careful planning to cover these and other surprise occurrences will help make your road trip a success. In days gone by�it was easy to make all of your travel arrangements through a travel agent, doing so gave you one number to call, one point of contact if something went wrong. Today we have the Internet�you log on to your favorite travel site�bring up a saved itinerary from a previous trip, make any changes, push a few buttons�and you are done! The travel site, if you choose the option, will even call your cell phone to let you know the status of your flight, while you are on your way to the airport.

Choosing the Right Car

For most people in the United States, the car is one of their most expensive purchases. So make sure you ponder this issue properly before pulling out your credit card.

The first thing you might want to look at is whether to buy a new car or a used car. Some people just refuse to buy a used car, while others simply refuse to purchase a new one. There are of course both advantages and disadvantages of both.

So, what's so great about a new car? Well, a new car comes with all the perks: the latest devices, the color, the interior design. And you don't have to worry about any problems with the new car, you are fully covered by the car warranty. And of course, if you keep your car in good shape, you can probably extend the life of your car with minimal maintenance. But a new car comes with the drawbacks as well. The price, for one, is a major turn-off factor. And once you start driving the car, the resale value can decrease quite dramatically within the first two years. Insurance would probably cost much more as compared to a used car.

How about a used car? It�s definitely much cheaper than getting a new car, and your insurance wouldn't cost you a bomb. A popular used-car option is a off-lease used car. These cars are usually no more than 4 years old and are almost new, mainly because of the required maintenance and mileage limits. The warranty is often found intact as well. However, getting a used car means you may experience more problems with the car, and of course you have less choice over the exterior and interior of the car. You should always only purchase a used car from a car dealer you are familiar with, so when things go wrong it's easier for you to seek help.

After you have decided on a new or used car, you should look at how you will use the car. Will the car be a family vehicle? You don�t want to get a sedan for a huge family, but neither do you want to get a mini-van for just yourself. Do you need the state-of-the-art sound system? If you�re an audiophile with quite some cash you�ll probably want to invest in one, but if you listen only occasional than it will be nothing more than a while elephant. What other features do you need or not need? You�ll definitely want to get things that you won�t regret getting.

Next, you should probably be looking at financing. If you�re rolling in cash, you can pay for the car immediately, but most people pay in installments. You can choose to purchase the car, lease the car, or rent a car. The difference between leasing and renting is that leasing is more long term: you pay monthly for 12, 24, 36, etc, months, than return the car at the end of the lease period, unlike renting a car where you pay by the day or the week.

Finally, you should look at insurance. Insurance is always higher for high-risk cars like sports cars. Not only are the drivers often more reckless, they are also a more common target for theft and vandalism. Do you really need that cool flashy car that �everybody has�? Save money on buying that car, and save money on the insurance too!

Remember, purchasing a car is probably your second largest expenditure, besides your house. Make sure you evaluate all the options and think through it properly before buying. On a final note, always shop around, and NEVER buy on impulse.

MLM Products- The MLM Success Formula for HOT Selling Network

You must understand this next statement:

The successful network marketing company is �Product Focused and Business Driven.�

What does that mean? It means that your company must always be products and services focused, but driven by the business opportunity.

And your products and services must be the �anchor� of your MLM business.

If you are looking at a company that has bad products, so goes your business. You MUST be sure your company has QUALITY Products! QUALITY creates part of the VALUE in the prospect�s mind!

Your products create the value to the consumer, and you must be able to talk intelligently about what your are offering to them.

There are many types of products to market in MLM:

Nutrition. Skin Care. Technology. Vitamin Drinks. Legal Services. Internet Malls. Toys. Food. Cars. Real Estate. Computers. Educational Materials. Make up and Cosmetics. Water Filters. Air Filters. Cell Phones. Long Distance. Electricity. Diet and Weight Loss products. Anti Aging Products. Music. Books. Scrap Books. Religious Materials and Products. Clothes. Personal care items. Mortgage Services. Financial Services.

The list of MLM Product Possibilites is almost ENDLESS.

But here is a warning:

Do Not get too detailed about your products and services you choose, no matter what you choose to sell �you see, people really don�t care, for the most part, about the ingredients or technical aspects of your products and services�


Most people have one question about your products and services��How are they going to improve my life..and do they really work?� This should drive your choice of products.

Your job is to educate, NOT SELL, the customer on the merits and value of your product and service line. If you educate them, and you will learn later in TrainingFire how to do that, you will find them much more open to trying them�.

The Rules of MLM Product Selection.

What type of products and services does your company provide you? You must know what we at PassionFire call the �Rules of MLM Product Marketing,� to help you select the products right for you.

There are 4 of them:

1) �The Rule of Details.�

Don�t get lost in the details of your products and services�get lost in the VALUE that they bring to the customers life. Learn about what you are marketing, but then blend that in with how it will help CHANGE their life. (CLUE!!!!!!!!!!!)

2) �The Rule of How to.�

You must understand how your products and services do work, but only to the point of being able to talk intelligently about them. Don�t overwhelm the prospect with your knowledge, but EXCITEMENT about the products.

3) �The Rule of Focus.�

Keep your focus on the MAIN product and services�.if there are a LOT of them, keep your focus on the ones that are the main ones, and learn about them, and master what you need to talk about them. The others, you need to be aware of, but keep your focus on the MAIN ones, and know how to talk about them.

4) �The Rule of Value.�

You will never market any products to anyone if they don�t see VALUE in what your products. Know what the value is to the consumer with your products, and know, when it is prudent, the overview details of the products to enhance the value of your products.

The 2 Kinds of MLM Products.


What kind of products and services are there out there?

Basically 2:

1) Tangible

2) Intangible.


These are the products you can TOUCH, SEE, SMELL, and TASTE. They are the ones you can hold in your hand, like make up, vitamins, diet powders, cleaning solutions, part favors, toys, and the list goes on.

And the Tangibles are the biggest portion of the industry, especially the supplement portion,because most people like to market what they can TOUCH and FEEL.


Intangibles are the products and services you CANNOT touch, see, and feel. They are the services like Internet services, Legal Services, Tax services, Life Insurance services, and similar types of products and services. It is a very fast growing part of the MLM industry.

These products you need a little more detail knowledge about them as to show the customer they can provide VALUE to their life. And the understanding of HOW they work will provide some good conversation with your prospects on the benefits of owning your services.

You need to ask yourself some questions about your products.

�What would be my favorite product and why?�

�How would my products benefit people and change their life?�

�What products does the company sell the most of?�

�What is the average price of each product?�

�What has some great testimonials about your products?�

��How large is the market for your products and services?�

�Who is your competition?�

�Why would somebody want your products?�

�What products seem to have the most SIZZLE about them?�

Most MLM companies have multiple products, and the one you like the most, you will be the most PASSIONATE about, and will talk about the most.


The product you have the most PASSION about, you will create the most value for.

The Passion Value Rule for Network Marketing Products.

That is what we call the �Passion-Value� Rule. Know what you are the most passionate about, and you will have the most �Emotional Attachment� to, and that would be the product you will be most likely to talk about the most.

Know your products ands services line that you choose. Understand the overview of them, and focus on the MAIN ones, and keep your focus on those for the most part. Have and understanding of the other products and services, but usually, 80% of your volume will be done by 20% of the products. Keep that in mind.

Doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

(c) 2005/ all right reserved

How to Attract and Secure More Orders for Your Business

1. Create a free ebook directory on a specific topic at your web site. People will visit your web site to read the free ebooks and may see your product ad.

2. Turn part of your web site into a members only web site. Instead of charging for access, use it as a free bonus for one of your products.

3. Add a free classified ad section to your web site. You could then trade banner ads with other web sites that have free classified ad sections.

4. Create two versions of your e-zine so people can choose if they want ads included with it or not. This'll attract the people who hate ads to subscribe.

5. Publish your e-zine only on your web site. Have people subscribe to a "new issue" e-mail reminder. This could really increase your traffic and sales.

6. Sell advertising space in your product package. You could sell inserts, flyers, brochures, booklets, and digital ads for electronic products.

7. Offer daily or weekly visitor bonuses. This will increase your repeat traffic and sales because your visitors will visit regularly to get the visitor bonuses.

8. Allow people to download software or e-books from your web site at no cost. Just ask your visitors in return if they'll refer their friends to your web site.

9. Build up the number of people that join your free affiliate program quickly by temporally offering your product for free to the people that sign up.

10. Negotiate with e-zine publishers to get free or discounted ads by letting them join your affiliate program and earn commissions on the ad you run.

Why Buy Travel Insurance?

When you choose to travel, you take the risk of lost luggage, flight cancellations, reservation cancellations, theft and many other situations which may cause anxiety. Planning a vacation is stressful enough without having to worry about something going horribly wrong. Purchasing travel insurance will ensure that you are compensated if anything goes wrong on your trip. When trying to determine whether or not to purchase travel insurance, keep in mind the points listed below which may make your decision much easier.

Many forms of travel insurance will cover you in the following areas:

1.Medical Emergencies � Travel insurance will provide you with financial help should you encounter a medical emergency while traveling. If you become ill or are injured while on vacation, your travel insurance will provide you coverage in both situations.

2.Cancellations or Delays � If for any reason (beyond your control) your trip is cancelled or delayed your travel insurance will provide you with financial coverage. This includes coverage if your airline goes bankrupt or out of service. Your travel insurance will either compensate you for the money you lost or provide you with new means of transportation.

3.Theft � If anything belonging to you is stolen while you are on vacation, your travel insurance will provide you with financial assistance to replace the items which were stolen.

4.Damage or Loss of Personal Property � This is likely to happen while on vacation. If your luggage is lost or damaged while on vacation, your travel insurance will definitely cover at least some percentage of the property that is missing. Depending on the insurance plan, it may financially cover all the items that are missing.

5.Lost Passport � If you lose your passport or it is stolen while you are on vacation, travel insurance will provide you with the means to get a temporary one. Your travel insurance company will inform you on how to get in contact with your country embassy so that you can arrange to receive a temporary passport.

Depending on the insurance plan you choose, you may be fully or partially covered in the areas listed above. Choose your policy according to what you think the possibility will be that you will require the assistance on your trip.

For many vacationers, travel insurance eliminates any worry that an unforeseen circumstance may arise in which you do not have the money or means to take care of.

Travel insurance helps you relax and enjoy your trip without agonizing over things that may or may not go wrong. Relaxing and enjoying? Isn�t that why you planned the vacation in the first place?

Is Your Insurance Company Rated?

Insurance is serious business. It not only costs you a pretty penny, you need to know the company you purchase the insurance from will honor a claim with no hassle should you have an accident. The first thing you need to do is find out if your insurance company is rated.

Many of the national rating institutes rate insurance companies. They rate the variations in service and coverage from one company to another, as well as the differences in premiums.

Choosing a good insurance company is critical to your financial security. You want to find out if the insurance company you plan to deal with has the financial resources to keep you and your family safe. In other words are the liquid enough to pay claims as they occur.

If the financial situation is risky they�ll be of no use to you if they cannot pay out a large claim in the future. When national rating institutes rate the financial strength of an insurance company they use a complicated formula that determines the insurance companies long term viability.

To find out how your insurance company rates you can visit Standard & Poor�s Ratings Financial � they rate the financial strength of insurance companies as well as provide detailed profiles on almost 4000 insurance companies.

Fitch Ratings Financial � rates the financial strength of insurance companies.

When you are in the market for insurance the first thing you look for is good coverage for the lowest price. But then you have to make sure you�ve actually heard of the insurance company at some other time. You�ll also want to find out how much experience they have in auto insurance and claims.

The best source of information you have is your friends, family, and co-workers. Find out if they have dealt with this insurance company and if they had a claim how well they handled the process. Find out what they think about the company good and bad.

Another thing you need to check is to find out if they have a 24 hour number you can call in the event you need to make a claim. Is their claims management in-house or do they contract out to some outside source? These can make a huge difference on how quickly and fairly a claim is handled.

You buy auto insurance to protect your assets and you financial security now and into the future. The object of insurance is to protect you from personal liability claims. You need to have the peace of mind that the insurance company you are dealing with will come through if the need arises.

Funny thing is we often are so busy looking for the best rates that we neglect to check the financial security of the insurance company. Of course it�s great when we can save some money but it�s only a good deal if the insurance company does it�s part in the event of a claim.

All insurance companies issue quarterly reports that are accessable to the public. Of course you can�t guarantee the future from the past because one catastrophe can change the entire picture. But you can get a pretty good idea of how reliable they�ve been up to this point.

If the companies past looks shady or iffy, no matter how good the premium don�t part with your money! You can also check with the BBB to see if the company has had any unresolved complaints. You can also check car insurance ratings online.

So shop for the best price you can find, then check on the insurance company before you part with your money. You can have a win win situation this way!

Globalize to Survive

Globalize to Survive By William Cate Published September 2004 [] [ tmentclubwelcome/]

Civilization in the 21st century is in serious trouble. Modern economic models that manipulate the public's perception of the economy's stability aren't working as well as they have in the past. The cost of repairing the environment is beyond the financial and technical means of governments to do. Population is growing while resources are diminishing. Demand for a Western lifestyle is almost universal, while civilization's ability to meet that demand doesn't exist. The result will be social upheaval, political instability and economic uncertainty. The individual will be sacrificed to the needs of the government bureaucracy.

As an individual, your civil rights are subject to the whim of your government. Most people prefer the illusion of security above personal freedom. Thus, most citizens are willing to give up their rights in the belief that it offers them greater protection against the forces arrayed against their government. You can see it in the fact that it took the American Government about six weeks to repeal the Bill of Rights after the attack on the World Trade Center. The Russian Government plans to give its citizens the rights they had during czarist times, thanks to the Breslan School siege.

Governments tax their citizens to pay to maintain the illusion of national security and economic wellbeing. During the Roman Empire, the income tax rate varied from 1% to 3%. From the Dark Ages to the Renaissance, the income tax rate was usually 20%. In modern times, the income tax rate averages about 50% of your income. History teaches us that no government or civilization will survive over time. Whatever you are buying with your taxes, it isn't long term security for your family and descendants.

Business investment is risk. Governments expect their citizens to bear the full risk of creating local employment. If you succeed, you pay local taxes. If you fail, you are broke. However, those same governments will share your risk when you aren't a citizen of the country. The government won't tax your profits.

Society's values change. Religious and racial tolerance, a hallmark of the last half of the 20th Century, are the exception, not the rule in history. Too many people see Islam as the religion of terror in the West and Christianity as the religion of subjugation in the Middle East. Entrepreneurs are seen as a force for good now, but are the likely scapegoats for the coming environmental meltdown. Science and technology, the gods of the 20th century are the likely devils of the 21st century. As individuals are associated with these groups they will find themselves in need of relocation beyond their national borders. There is no group in any country that can be certain they are safe from changes in the national value system. There is no individual anywhere who can't be seen as an Enemy of the State, at some point in the future.

Even in the most repressive of societies, capital and personal flight are possible. During the Chinese Cultural Revolution, hundreds of millions of dollars fled China. Hundreds of people flee North Korea every year. Globalize your assets before your government finds the extremes of oppressive economic and social policy. In most countries, individuals can find legal methods for moving some of their liquid assets offshore. There are even creative ways of moving your fixed assets, beyond the control of your government.

Plan for the future. Otherwise, you and your family may not have one. An ounce of planning offsets a ton of future regret. Your goal should be to put your assets beyond the control of any single government and to have more than one passport. Doing so is your best insurance against an uncertain future. There are groups that are willing to help you, no matter whether you live in Mongolia or France. Find one and let them help you Globalize to Survive.

Weather Proofing Your Garden Centre

Whilst politicians debate whether global warming is a serious issue, horticultural retailers are fully aware of the changes taking place and they are having to adapt their retail practises accordingly.

Whether it is spring arriving a month earlier in the UK in this century compared with the 1950's, severe droughts in the Western Cape of South Africa and Australia or more severe winter storms in parts of the USA, garden centres are realising that they are having to weatherproof their businesses if they are to survive.

In the 1970's a typical British garden centre would rely on up to 75% of it's sales coming from outdoor plants. In today's business, this is as low as 35%. This has happened for a number of reasons. One is historically, many garden centres originated out of wholesale plant nurseries and have evolved into gardening and lifestyle centres, but one of the factors has been the need for retailers to weatherproof their businesses.

Weatherproofing Categories

Retailers soon realised that bad spring weather could have a dramatic affect on core categories and upset the cash flow for the remainder of the year. Garden centres have been forced, by economic pressures, to look for weatherproofing product categories to ensure a successful future.

One of the key global weatherproofing strategies has been to introduce a coffee shop. This has had a number of benefits. Firstly, in good buying weather, customers are encouraged to linger longer and hopefully spend more. But, when those bad weather days arrive, customers will still visit the garden centre, but now the coffee shop becomes the destination.

In Australia, the average Aussie spends $13 per week to put fuel in their car and $10 per week on coffee, this is 'big business'. In the UK, some garden centres are reporting 60% of customers go to the coffee shop and the average coffee shop now brings in 11% of total revenue.

The coffee shop has evolved into licensed restaurants that remain open after the garden centre has closed, but they have become a key factor in garden centre weatherproofing.

Seasonal Changes in Trading Patterns

One of the biggest shifts in weatherproofing has been to reduce the reliance on spring trading. After a long winter, gardeners suffer from 'cabin fever' and rush into the garden centre. We should continue to promote this, but we are all aware that a wet or cold spring can dampen the spirits and bank account.

Another weatherproofing strategy has been to create alternative seasonal events to create new sales peaks. Christmas was the logical choice, being the worst season to have a traditional garden centre. Again, many garden centres are recording Christmas sales that are now 10% of total sales.

Following on from Halloween and I have one client who now finds it is more cost effective to put there efforts into Halloween rather than Christmas.

Non-Seasonal Weatherproofing

The ultimate solution would be to find product categories where the consumer comes to the garden centre whatever the weather.

Many garden centres choose the gift category as the solution. As with any category development, there are pitfalls as well as opportunities. The pitfalls with gifts or home ornaments are that there is a trend to de-clutter our homes as we go for the simple look. This means less, but often more expensive ornaments. Plus gifts and ornaments are high fashion and you need to be 'on the ball' when buying and be ruthless with your stock control. Having said that, get it right and it can be a highly profitable weatherproof category.

The Ultimate Weatherproof Insurance

The ultimate weatherproof insurance would be one where the customer comes to the garden centre every week, whatever the weather conditions and spends a considerable amount of money. This may sound like an unachievable paradise, but I do have clients who believe they have found their paradise.

Garden centres that have incorporated a farmers market, selling fresh produce, are finding this the ultimate weatherproof insurance and a highly profitable venture. With farmers markets generate a third of the business income from an eighth of the space. One client generates $40,000 from two square metres of olives a year.

A fresh produce consumer who is interested in buying produce of high quality for a known source is also likely to be a keen gardener, hence the win: win formulae.

Again there are pitfalls, you will need a dedicated team for this category who know their produce. They need to know what a celeriac is and how to cook it. Plus, you need an excellent produce buyer, the key is to provide produce range width and depth with the minimum of wastage.

But Can You Weatherproof Your Plant Category?

The Dutch and Germans would definitely argue that there is a case for putting a structure over the whole plant area and protect plants and consumers from inclement weather. To be successful you do need to increase your stock turn to ensure the plants remain healthy and hardy., but it is working for these retailers.

An alternative is to not weatherproof the plants, but to weatherproof the customers. Covered walkways are not the total solution, but they do help encourage consumers to go into the plant area when they would otherwise resist. The secret is to ensure the covered walkway fully circulates around the plant area, otherwise you'll find some locations are over shopped whilst others are under shopped.

And the Future?

I believe plants will continue to reduce there percentage of total sales as garden centres discover more weatherproofing strategies. This is not to say plants will be less important, I believe the reverse will be true. Plants are the core strategy in a garden centre and as such should remain in a prominent position in the customer's journey around the centre.

The future will introduce more weatherproofing strategies. The weather is one of those unpredictability's we have to work with an as a result we will continue to invest in weatherproofing to ensure we have profitable businesses in the future.

Hot Prospects Turn Cold, Build Defenses When You Look Like A

If you talk or act like a salesperson, you immediately trigger your prospect's sales defenses, which he uses to keep you at a distance. This puts you at a serious disadvantage because it causes your prospect not to trust you. And it may erase your opportunity to ever win that prospect as a new client.

One fundamental difference between education-based marketing and selling-based marketing is the issue of control. Selling-based marketing tries to wrest control away from the prospect. Then, through key questions, the salesperson dominates and manipulates the prospect until the prospect makes the desired commitment.

Education-based marketing does the opposite. It gives up any attempt to control the prospect. Instead, you help your prospect understand his problem through education and solve his problem through services. You always make sure your prospect knows that the decision to hire you is his -- and that he is always in control. Education-based marketing treats prospects the way you and I like to be treated, with dignity and respect.

Follow this checklist of Do's and Don'ts so you won't be perceived as a salesperson.

DON'T #1: Don't cold call prospects over the telephone. This is a dead giveaway that you are a salesperson. What do you think of people who solicit you over the phone? The fact that you're a lawyer doesn't make you any less of a telephone solicitor if you cold call prospects.

DO: Design your marketing program so you clearly identify genuine prospects and get them to call you. You do this by creating an educational message that educates prospects about their problems and the solutions you can provide. You deliver your marketing information to prospects through any number of methods, including advertising, media publicity, seminars, newsletters, web sites, cassette tapes -- whatever ways your prospects find comfortable and convenient. You have many effective and powerful ways to get information into your prospects' hands.

DON'T #2: Don't hand a new prospect your business card unless he asks for one. The cross-over technique of shaking hands with your right hand and delivering a business card with your left hand is a sure sign that you are a salesperson. From that moment on, your prospect knows that everything you say is part of your sales pitch, designed to get him to do something he probably doesn't want to do.

DO: If, during your conversation, your prospect doesn't request your card, you can always ask if he would like one. (This leaves the decision to accept your card under your prospect's control.) But never hand your card to a prospect unsolicited. Wait until he asks, or until he has given his permission in response to your offer to provide one.

DON'T #3: Don't insist on an in-person meeting before you divulge any information. The good ol' "let's get together so we can discuss your needs" tells your prospect a sales pitch is imminent. The needs approach is used so often that prospects know you learned it in sales school. When you withhold information and insist on a meeting, your prospect recalls the last time he had this experience with his life insurance agent, real estate broker, or someone else who insisted on meeting face to face. As a result, when you make this offer, you arouse your prospect's suspicion. This causes him to fortify his defenses and look for an excuse to cancel the meeting.

DO: You should be ready and willing to provide information any time you are asked, whether over the phone or in person. You greatly increase your credibility when you are open and up front with information. In fact, you should offer your educational handouts so prospects know you have materials that could help them. When prospects realize that you're not trying to hide anything -- and not trying to control the flow of information -- they perceive you to be a level above other lawyers. And your prospect responds favorably because he can tell you are trying to help him.

DON'T #4: Don't avoid revealing your fees. How you respond to the fee question can really help you or hurt you. It's your choice. Prospects ask fee questions for two reasons: One, to find out what you charge. And two, to see whether you'll be up front with them, or whether you'll try to duck the issue.

Prospects know that vacuum cleaner salesmen (and most salespeople, for that matter) dance around the price and won't reveal it until they reach a certain point near the end of their sales pitch. Your prospect concludes the more you dance around your hourly rate, the higher it will be. Plus it proves to him that, at least in this instance, you have not been forthcoming in answering his questions.

DO: Your prospect wants you to answer his question with a number. So give him your typical hourly rate. This satisfies your prospect's immediate need to hear you put some number in the blank. Then reassure him that you will give him a fee estimate, range or quote as soon as you learn more about the services he needs. This makes a positive impression twice, once when you disclose your hourly rate, and a second time when you tell him you'll provide a better answer when you learn more.

DON'T #5: Don't ask questions designed to trap your prospect. In one of his books, Zig Ziglar teaches the 3-question close. I suppose Ziglar would describe it delicately something like this: By asking just three simple questions you are able to show your prospect how much he will benefit from buying your product or service.

As someone who is tired of salespeople and phone solicitors, I hear it more in a carnival barker's voice: "Yes, my friend, you heard right. In just 30 seconds, by asking three simple questions, you can turn an innocent conversation into a steel-jawed trap that nails your prospect to the wall so he has nowhere to go and nothing to do but sign your contract."

What is the result of using this method? To start, you trapped your prospect, so you immediately jump to the top of the list of people he doesn't trust. Do I have to go further? Do you like it when someone does this to you? Of course not.

DO: A persuasive marketing presentation offers all the facts and all the ways your prospect benefits from hiring you. Then it emphasizes that you will do whatever it takes to make sure your prospect has the information he needs to make an informed decision. You add urgency to the message by pointing out what your prospect risks by waiting and how bad those consequences could become. But you always make it clear to your prospect that the decision is his and his alone -- and that you're there to provide information, answer questions, and help him make the best decision, to whatever degree he wants your help.

DON'T #6: Don't sell services from a trade show booth. Lawyers already have enough problems with their image. The last thing you need is to look like the guy hawking his vegetable slicer/dicer/cuber/chopper/corer/shredder/peeler. And even if you don't perceive a trade show that way -- even if you rationalize your way out of this comparison -- remember that your perception doesn't count. The only perception that matters belongs to your prospect. And when your prospect sees you standing in a trade show booth, he immediately assumes you are there because you have something to sell. That's exactly the appearance you want to avoid.

DO: Trade shows often work because they provide the opportunity for you and your prospects to interact, which is the essential marketing step most lawyers overlook. Fortunately, you can design interaction into your marketing program in better and more dignified ways: For example, you can interact with prospects over the telephone, in person, at seminars, during lunch, even on the golf course.

In most cases, when you act and sound like a salesperson, your prospects treat you like a salesperson. They avoid you. They don't trust you. They don't even want to talk with you. This is why I urge lawyers to avoid selling-based marketing.

To increase your prospect's trust, respect and confidence, stay in the education mode because education-based marketing is the key to attracting new clients with dignity.